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Why You Should Take Care Of Your AC Unit In The Spring?

Spring in California area means two things, longer days and storms. At Specialty Air Inc. we’re pretty happy about the first part, but the storms not so much. Storm season can really mess with your air conditioner. Now is the time for spring cleaning and it’s important you don’t forget about your air system. We’re proud to offer a range of solutions as part of our heating and cooling service in Tustin, CA to ensure that all your heating and air products stay in great shape and save you the stress of home maintenance.

Maintenance Matters

One of the main reasons many homeowners need repairs during the spring is because their system sustains damage after a storm, while this is unavoidable a lot of the damage we see is wear and tear that’s escalated to decay. Your outdoor unit is under extra pressure in bad weather and it’s important that a trained technician check all the internal parts. The main components like the coils or the condenser stop working if there’s a lot of debris flying around your yard. When you come to us for any heating and cooling service in Tustin, CA our technicians will make sure that the casing of your air conditioning is still fit for purpose. As certified HVAC contractors, we have specialist equipment to adjust and replace the housing, the most important thing is that you don’t try to wrap your outdoor unit in an attempt to protect it as this will cause rust.

Be Careful

If you need to do some yard clean up after a storm be careful when working around your air conditioner, the base on which your unit sits on may have taken a hit, if you notice that the ground has dipped or that your air conditioner is leaking or filled with water, it’s best to shut off the power supply and have us come out to assess. In these cases the solutions are usually quick and inexpensive but left unattended you risk your system breaking down entirely – we all know electricity and water should never mix!

Simple Fixes That’ll Lower Your Fuel Bill

Let’s be honest, air systems don’t come cheap but with proper care, a modern air conditioner can live between 8-15 years before needing to be replaced. Round here we’ve noticed that lots of our customers end up needing full AC replacements in the spring or summertime because of minor repairs or small cosmetic issues that have been ignored. This includes things like rotten insulation, broken fans, grille damage and blocked vents. All of these things are really easy to fix and when these parts are fully functional they help reduce energy usage which means you’ll be saving more than a few dollars over the course of the year too.

All our heating and cooling service in Tustin, CA can be worked into a maintenance plan that’ll cover you for annual maintenance and repairs for a reduced fee, we check all our customers systems before and during bad weather periods to keep your home comfortable. Even if you’re not interested in long-term care packages from us even one-time solutions come with a range of finance options and discounts attached, so don’t put off calling us on (714) 641 – 8049 for an air conditioning assessment today.
