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Navigating the options when it’s time for air conditioner repair service Santa Ana CA

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As another beautiful California spring comes around, make sure you’re ready for year round comfort and cooling. It’s always smart to research and plan ahead when you know you’ll need a new AC in the future. Whether you’re planning ahead or need to make a quick decision, Specialty Air can help. We take the worry and hassle out of installation and can also help you choose the right AC for your home. Here are the two most common types of AC and some of the benefits and considerations with each. We’ll cover central air and ductless systems to help you pick the type of unit you want for your home. Get your air conditioner repair service Santa Ana CA  from our trusted technicians so you can relax and enjoy your home again.

Central air

America’s most popular option, central or forced air is in most single family homes. It’s effective at cooling a whole house with the thermostat as your control. This system works with the combination of a powerful outdoor compressor and internal unit connected to a series of vents through ductwork. If you already have ductwork in your home connected to a furnace or existing air conditioning, this option will be a less expensive replacement option than switching to ductless AC. Another advantage depends on your decor aesthetic. Central air vents are hidden around the home and don’t interfere with your style. Some homeowners dislike the look of ductless systems because they are more visible around the home, taking up wall space and interfering with clean lines around the home.

Ductless AC

Ductless or split air conditioners offer more precise cooling and higher efficiency than central air systems. They are very easy to install and don’t need ductwork. When you don’t have ductwork in place, they are a faster and easier choice. People are making the switch to ductless because of the precision control they offer room by room in the home. You don’t have to cool your whole house if you’re spending the day in your home office, for example. The issue of uneven temperatures around the home is also completely mitigated by split AC units. Every room’s temperature is literally at your fingertips. For small condos and high efficiency homes, ductless is a tempting choice. Make sure to check out both if you’re on the fence. Many office buildings are making a full switch to ductless to put comfort in the hands of employees who have long suffered issues with uneven heating and cooling.

As you narrow down options, remember an experienced technician from Specialty Air can help you figure out the right size AC and it’s optimal placement in the home. Get the scoop from our experienced team when you’re narrowing it down. We can help you find the brands that last and the best rebate deals.

Call Specialty Air to schedule your appointment fo air conditioner repair service Santa Ana CA today by calling 714-641-8049.
