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3 Reasons Why You Should Get Prepared For Both Summer And Winter At The Same Time

3 Reasons Why You Should Get Prepared For Both Summer And Winter At The Same Time

Winter is now behind us and Summer is now starting to creep along. With how fast time seems to go nowadays, have you looked into the different options you have so your home can be prepared for both summer and winter at the same time? Without getting two separate systems you can invest in just one that does both heating and cooling together. We here at Specialty Air Inc. would like to share with you some benefits a matched system could bring to your life as we are the experts in air conditioning and heating installation service in Tustin, CA.

Matched systems save money

This can be surprising to some, but purchasing an air conditioner/heater in one system helps to save you money in the long run. By creating a less complicated installation process you can save money by having your system installed at the same time rather than having to pay for a second installation if you decide to buy both systems as different units. This is also the same with repairs down the line. Most furnaces will last up to 15 to 20 years and a central air conditioning system will last 12 to 15 years depending on the efficiency and quality of the equipment itself.

With this similar time frame, you can expect to pay less in the future for restorations and repairs when you own a matched system.

Use less energy

Without getting an expert’s opinion before purchasing an air conditioner or heating unit, you run the risk of purchasing a system that is too large for your home. Our energy bills can soar through the roof with the hot summer and cold winter months due to the overuse of our systems. Learn the benefits being energy efficient can provide to your home, the environment, and to your wallet.


If you’re someone like me who loses remote controls all over the home and find them under the sofa tucked away you’ll appreciate having a component that’s designed specifically for your home. With a matched system you can easily control how much heating or cooling you need with the one controller so your biggest concern in regards to your desired temperature can be to just relax and enjoy!

A matched system is there to help compliment each other. By operating together they optimize home comfort that’s designed fit for a king.

If you’re interested in finding out more about matched systems and wanting to prepare in advance for both summer and winter. Our company Specialty Air Inc. specializes in air conditioning and heating installation service in Tustin, CA. Our highly trained HVAC technicians are qualified to work with all systems and we are the experts in residential homes so that we can ensure we provide families the satisfaction that they are after. Give us a call today on 714 641 8049, we offer an emergency service for those in need. Let us take care of the hard work for you!
